Frequently ask questions

Got questions? We've got answers! Check out our FAQs to get the information you need about our top-quality cleaning services. And don't forget to visit our terms and conditions page for more details on our policies.

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Do you provide service in my area?

Yes, we currently offer our cleaning services across the island of O'ahu.

Are your ShinyBee cleaners insured?

Yes, all of our cleaners are fully insured and bonded for your peace of mind.

How long does it take to clean a property?

The length of time needed to clean a property depends on several factors, such as the size of the property, the level of cleaning required. Average cleaning jobs are around 4 hours, but may sometimes go up to 8 hours.

How do you handle pets and children during the cleaning service?

We adore furry friends and little ones, but we know that they may need extra care during our cleaning sessions. To ensure their safety and comfort, please inform us in advance if you have pets or children. We generally avoid touching children's toys to maintain their organization and familiarity, so kindly let us know if we should avoid any particular items.

Can I request a specific time for my cleaning service?

Yes, we will do our best to accommodate your preferred time for the cleaning service. However, please note that specific time slots are subject to availability.

What are the items you do not clean?

While our cleaning services are comprehensive, we have specific restrictions on the items we can clean. We do not handle biohazardous materials, such as blood, feces, vomit, and other substances that typically come from humans. Furthermore, we abide by a closed-door policy and will not enter closed rooms, even if unlocked. As part of our commitment to safeguarding your valuables, we never touch entire sections of your property where valuables are in plain sight, such as a desks containing jewelry, money, or other valuable items. We kindly request that you notify us if you have any concerns about the items in your space that require special attention.

What is your policy for cancelling or rescheduling a cleaning service?

We recognize that there may be times when you need to change or cancel your cleaning appointment. To ensure consideration for all parties, kindly provide at least 24-hour notice if you would like to reschedule or cancel your cleaning service.

How far in advance do I need to book a cleaning session?

We recommend booking your cleaning session at least 24 hours in advance to ensure availability. However, we understand that emergencies happen and will do our best to accommodate last-minute requests.

How do I provide feedback or file a complaint?

We take pride in our work and want to ensure that you are completely satisfied with our cleaning services. If you have any complaints or feedback, please contact us immediately so we can address the situation.

What happens if there is an unexpected event, such as power outages or severe weather, that may affect the cleaning schedule?

We will do our best to work around unexpected events that may affect the cleaning schedule. If a change is necessary, we will contact you as soon as possible to reschedule the appointment.

How do you handle scheduling conflicts or last-minute changes to the cleaning plan?

We understand that schedules can change unexpectedly. Please contact us as soon as possible if you need to make changes to your cleaning plan. We will do our best to accommodate your request.

How does ShinyBees address COVID-related concerns?

We take COVID-19 very seriously and have implemented strict cleaning and safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of our customers and staff. Please visit our website for more information on our COVID-19 policies and procedures.

Do you offer any discounts for your services?

We offer a range of discounts, including cash discounts for those who prefer to pay in cash, as well as referral discounts for those who recommend our services to others.

What if I don't have nearby parking available for ShinyBees?

Please notify us in advance so our ShinyBee cleaners can arrange for parking in your area.

Is my presence required during the cleaning session?

Your presence during the cleaning session is not required, but we do ask that you ensure our team can access the property and that any pets are secured.

Do I need to provide my own cleaning supplies or will ShinyBee cleaners bring them?

To optimize efficiency, we utilize on-site resources whenever possible. In case you do not have them, we can provide all necessary cleaning supplies and equipment for a small fee.

What are the payment terms for ShinyBees cleaning services?

We accept Stripe, Venmo, and cash as payment methods, and payment is required upon completion of the cleaning service.

What types of cleaning products does ShinyBees use?

We prioritize client-preferred cleaning products, but offer eco-friendly products for an additional fee that are safe for your home and the environment.

Are there any preparations I need to make on the day of the cleaning project?

Prepare the space by decluttering and alert us of areas requiring attention. If you won't be home, disarm alarms and store valuables away. Inform us of any specific instructions such as skipping certain rooms. We'll take care of the rest.

Can I request additional services or changes to the cleaning plan during a session?

Yes, you may request additional services or changes to the cleaning plan during the session, and our team will do their best to accommodate them.

Who should I contact if there is an issue with the cleaning service?

If there is an issue with the cleaning service, please contact our customer support team and we will address the matter promptly.

Is it customary to tip ShinyBees cleaning staff, and what is your policy on gratuity?

While gratuity is not expected, it is always appreciated. If you would like to leave a tip, you may do so directly to the cleaning staff or include it with your payment.

How can I become a ShinyBee Cleaner?

Currently, we are not accepting applications for ShinyBee cleaners. Please sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about when applications will be open again.

What is the starting pay?

ShinyBee cleaners start at $20 per hour, with competitive compensation for those with prior experience in hotel, janitorial, or cleaning work.

What is the interview process like?

If your application is selected, we will conduct an initial interview followed by a background check if you advance to the next stage.

how long are the cleaning projects?

Cleaning projects typically last 4 hours, while larger projects may take a total of 6-8 hours.

Our ShinyBees

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done well, and


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