ShinyBee Cleaner Application

Bee Ranking

Elevate your earning potential with ShinyBees' transparent compensation structure, providing competitive pay scales for entry-level, experienced, and supervisory roles, making your career with us truly rewarding.

Level 1 - New Bee
Start your cleaning career with ShinyBees as a New Bee, unlocking new opportunities for advancement and gaining invaluable experience.
$20 / hour
Entry Level
Try for free
$20 / hour
Probationary period
30 cleaning jobs to graduate to next rank
Level 2 - Pollen Pro
Level up to Pollen Pro as a Level 2 ShinyBee Cleaner and enjoy higher pay and leadership opportunities, by guiding and leading a team of cleaners.
$25 - $32 / hour
Supervisor Level
Try for free
$25 - $32 / hour
Supervisor level
20 more cleaning jobs to graduate to final rank

Being a ShinyBee cleaner means...

Flexible Schedule

You can set your own schedule. Job postings are always coming and going, so take the jobs that fit your availability!

Always in teams

We never dispatch ShinyBees alone. Teams are usually in 2, 3 or more (depending on the project).

Get paid, same day

When the client approves of a job well done, you can take home the reward that same day.

Benefits for Carpoolers

For families and friends who prefer to work together in closed teams may be eligible for carpool benefits.


ShinyBees are all vetted and background-checked, just like everyone else.

No degree required

The only thing you need to be successful in this role is responsibility and quality-work.

Join the Buzzing Hive of ShinyBees Cleaners

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